Small Knowledge of Hardware

Drive Hide  ug{sf] nfuL
 1.  Click on Start Button
 2.  Click On Run
 3.  Then Run Dialog Box will appear.
 4.  Type gepedit.msc and click on ok or Enter.
 5.  Click On Adiminstrative Templates
 6.  Choose the Windows Components
 7.  Then Click on Window Explorer
 8.  Choose the “Hide these specified Drive in My Computer”
To;k5L Dialog Box cfpF5 .
      Not Configured
      Enabled (
df Click ug]{)

clg Drive Choose u/L Apply / Ok ug]{ .

Computer sf] System yfxf kfpg
1.  Click On Start Button
2.  Click On Run
3.  Then Run Dialog Box Will Appear
4.  Type dxdiag and Click On Ok or Enter.

Computer sf] Password la;]{df
Ctrl + Alt + Delete (2 Press k6s ug]{)
Name: Administrator n]Vg] / Enter ug]{ .
{Note: Adiministrator User df Password la;]{df o;/L v'Nb}g .}

              VGA Problem Solution

Computer sf] Display Screen df Resolution gldn]/ l´/–l´/ cfpg], VGA df ;d:of cfpg] cj:yfdf sDKo'6/nfO{ Restart u/]/ v'Ng gkfpFb} F8 Press ug]{ / Enable VGA Mode df Ok (Enter) ug]{ / Micro Soft Windows Xp Profession nfO{ Ok (Enter) Press ug]{ .

Small Knowledge of Hardware Small Knowledge of Hardware Reviewed by Techni Idea on 7:44 PM Rating: 5

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